Friday, May 10, 2013

More Dreams

My daylight hours are getting weirder, so why not my dreams as well? Here's what I can remember:

-There's a dusty attic that stretches as far as the horizon, filled to the brim with broken odds and ends. It might have something to do with the closet back at the house that kept spewing junk and the other attic with the thing as well. Not much more to say about this one, except there was some odd music.

-A hallway surrounded by a giant aquarium, except this aquarium was filled with blood and rotting fish of all shapes and sizes. The stench was unbelievable, and it only worsened the further I went. Eventually the corpses began to belong to species I didn't recognize, maybe even ones that have never existed. At the end of the hallway was a door that led into...

-A forest of tree people. Not trees shaped like people, people that had been stretched into trees weeping amber from empty sockets and screaming... and screaming... and screaming. I looked up and found out why: Their hand branches were straining with the weight of holding up the sky, which was fracturing and raining down chunks on the forest. At that point someone or something spoke and the sky completely collapsed, only for billions of shadowy hands to reach down towards me.
Thankfully I woke up there. Unthankfully I woke up on a ledge on the twenty-first floor. If whoever is taking me for a trial run during the time I can't remember is reading this, could you please try to drop me off in places that are a tad safer?

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