Friday, May 3, 2013


You're probably wondering where I've been the last few days. Thing is, I'd like to know where I've been too. I'm waking up in the strangest places with no memory of how I got there. And its not just waking up in elevators or under overpasses either, I'm losing huge amounts of daytime too. I can't just be blacking out during this time, because I'm physically exhausted.

There's something else too. Every so often when I'm awake, I'll here these... well I wouldn't call them 'whispers' because I don't actually hear anything. Its more like... someone or something is implanting thoughts into my head. I know that this sounds like something N did to me (twice in fact), but these thought seem... benign... almost comforting. In fact, the more I dwell on them, the more they seem like... But that's impossi-
There I go again, using words that no longer hold any meaning for me. I'm trying to keep a little girl and her father safe from a world-devouring cosmic horror and a near-omniscient council. The word 'impossible' no longer applies to my life. I'll get back to you guys if I can grasp the meaning of the words in my head.

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