Monday, June 2, 2014

The Museum (Part 2)

Sorry about the delay, life upside down and all that.

I ended my last post on a cliffhanger, and you're all waiting on the edge of your seats for the thrilling conclusion to... okay I can't keep this up. I'm sorry to disappoint everyone who was expecting a thrilling tale of fighting N in the void and barely escaping with my life, but the conclusion is actually quite dull:

He disappeared and I woke up under an overpass.

Yah, that's it. I really do wish I had a cooler way to end the story but it seems that even now my life is more mundane than the stuff you see in the movies. On the plus side, I found a pleasant surprise when I came to: another copy of my father's book Walking Beneath the Sky. 'Big Deal!' you say, 'You already have a copy!' That's what I thought at first too. But when I brought out my original copy (to compare the two and see which one was in better shape), they sprung together as if they were magnetically attracted, and seamlessly melded into a single larger book, now entitled Forever Walking Beneath the Burning Sky.

As you are no doubt aware, normal books don't do that, so once more: Strange thing. No explanation. NOBODY CARES.

I haven't really noticed anything too different in the book at this point, other than the things make more sense, but that is probably just due to the fact that I'm going crazy. Still, I'll keep checking it to figure out where I'm going to end up next.

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