Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Museum (Part 1)

Alright, I'm sorry about my last post. In my defense, I've been going through QUITE a bit of crazy stuff the last year or so (not the year I skipped, the one before that). There's no way else for me to vent my frustration... but still, not cool. With that out of the way, we get to the museum. Buckle in, its gonna be a long one.

The first thing that was off was the absolute lack of people in the museum, and I mean ABSOLUTE, like no one was there. No patrons, no employees, nothing. The lights didn't seem to be working right either. I could tell they were on but they just didn't illuminate much of anything. I was able to see well enough though, which is why I discovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv----

Pursuant to the Parliament of the Continuum's current position on this situation, this message has been terminated. All further messages from this source will be censuuuuuuuuuuuu----

Sorry, but that's not going to work anymore. I know exactly how you operate, and what your limitations are. But just for posterity (not to mention hilarity), I'll let one more through.


Yah, that's great. As I was saying, the problem became evident the moment my eyes adjusted to the murk. The museum I was at wasn't the same one from my dreams. Instead of paintings in corridors it was a wide-open plaza with statues. For those of you who crave abnormality, don't worry, said statues were malformed and twisted, and I could've sworn some of them changed after I turned my back to them. But that was only... wow, the Parliament is really trying hard to get back in... a taste of what was in store for me. After about twenty minutes or so of wandering around, I was beginning to become confused. Why was this so different from my dreams? Was I in the right place? Had I missed something? I gave it another ten minutes of pointless wandering, and then I left the museum.

THIS is the point when things went south FAST. I open up the door to come face-to-faceless with Nidhoggr himself. Slamming the door, I sprinted as fast as I could back into the museum, only to fall into a gaping hole where the statues had been (insert 'I fell for hours!' wisecrack here). Eventually, I slowed to a drift in a pitch-black void. Being alone would've been bad enough, but I had the honor of being joined by Ol' Niddy, who melted out of the darkness shortly afterward. But it wasn't the form I was used to, no, the gloves were off, and I saw the beast's true form. To the surprise of no one, it is really hard to describe, and the more I try to remember the quicker the memory fades. Really, the best way I can think of describing it is comparing it to the Bed of Chaos from Dark Souls, but with less fire and a LOT more bloody eyes covering it. But even this falls far too short of what I saw that day and hope never to see again. Remember how I said N doesn't scare me at all? Not even remotely true. I was out of my mind with fear, a sensation as unpleasant as it is indescribable. It was a fear that comes with utter despair, with the sudden realization of how hopelessly outmatched one is, and just how insignificant you are compared to such a monstrosity.

So how did you escape you ask? Well, survival skills aren't all I've learned. A good story always has suspense. I'll cover the thrilling escape in the next post. ;)

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