Thursday, April 4, 2013


No further progress on whoever he is, but I'll keep looking. That's not to say I don't have an idea what I'm supposed to be doing next.

It all has to do with the dreams I'm having. Far be it for me to attach grand descriptions to myself, but the word 'prophet' may start being applicable here. Over and over again, the same vision intrudes upon my sleep (and the things it interrupts aren't exactly normal either). It consists of me walking through a hall of paintings and statues. A few begin to speak to me (I can't ever seem to understand sadly), and this... feeling comes over me. The feeling isn't happy or sad or angry or anything like I can describe, but its a powerful one. At this point it becomes extremely hot and wax begins to pour into the hall. When the wax gets about waist deep there's a bright flash and I'm standing... well that's the main thing I need to discuss. Up to the point with the flash, the dream is always the same, but once that part has been reached, the place I end up has always been different. A few posts back I mentioned a couple of the locations I ended up at (which I've since been able to remember in greater clarity):
- There's a maze of hedges surrounding a courtyard of stone statues. Inside the maze a withering gale shuffles the walls around me until I'm face to face with a colossal chimera with eight heads (Lion, Goat, Snake, Bear, Eagle, Wolf, Hog, and Horse) in the center. Each head faced one of the eight cardinal directions, each head breathed searing blue flame, and all were anchored to a spider's body. I fled from the creature, following the maze as it twisted and turned in impossible directions, but it caught up to me and I woke up.
- There's a castle of bone slowly sinking into a lake of burning tar. Skeletons of various prehistoric beasts chased me around until the lake took us all. (This is probably what the burning teeth was about.)
-There's a city buried beneath a glacier, which I can somehow see all of from my icy cocoon at the very bottom of. I watch as the clouds overhead wheel by for eons, until the stars themselves waste away.
-And finally, the new future world. Water, mist, lots of sea monsters, veerrryyyy pleasant. How do I know its the future? A voice keeps whispering "Should you fail." over and over again.
There are others, but they're also kinda hazy, so I'll save them until I can flesh them out more. In the meantime, I have to track down this museum, because its been in every one of these dreams. However, if I'm right about this being a vision of the future, the boiling wax will have something to do with the Parliament. Which means they're already two steps ahead of me. Gonna have to think this through...

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