Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Plan

Once more, apologies about the lack of posts, even though I have absolutely no control over my life right now, I am trying to update you guys on my situation. Its not just hours that I'm losing now, but days, I'm tired all the time and up until yesterday I had no idea were I've been. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, on the contrary, I've noted before that whoever or whatever is taking control of me during the down times is taking great care of my body. I wasn't exactly a blob before, but now I'm in the best shape of my life. It is a little unnerving whenever I ponder what this fitness is going to be required for, but I'm really not complaining.
What was I talking about? Oh yeah, the clues. As I was saying, yesterday I woke up in the middle of nowhere again, blah blah blah, same drill. But this time, I discovered a pamphlet in my pocket. A museum pamphlet. As in the same museum that has been in my dreams for the last few months, where I learn something important and get ambushed by some Parliament goons. It would seem the time has come to elaborate on my plan for the museum. I know the Parliament is monitoring my communications, but they're already going to send a flood of sentient wax after me so its really a moot point:

-Step 1: Rest and a healthy breakfast - As I don't know how long I'm going to be or where I'm going, this is a mundane but crucial step.

-Step 2: Travel to the unnamed Museum - Unnamed because I don't want Surge and Jessica to attempt any sort of rescue and put themselves in danger. You guys are fine right were you are.

-Step 3: Learn whatever it is that I'm supposed to learn - Remember, in the museum dream a voice speaks to me and tells me some secret, I don't have the faintest clue what it is, but its got to be important right?

-Step 4: Avoid the Parliament Ambush - At this point, Parliament unleashes the wax, etc. Avoid at all costs, etc.

-Step 5: Make the right choice - A quick question, have any of you ever played Super Mario 64? (And if not shame on you, go find a copy right now) In order to collect the Castle's Power Stars, Mario has to visit fifteen worlds, each enclosed inside a magical painting. I have been skirting around this detail, but I'm probably going to have to do something similar. Right before the dream changes, I run into a sort of circular room with paintings corresponding to the world within on the walls. Like our heroic plumber I'm going to have to enter one of these worlds and exit from there, but there's a problem. Multiple dreams have ended with me in some sort of fatal situation, which leads me to conclude that only one choice will be correct. This should go without saying, but I have absolutely no idea which dream I've had is the one to go for. I don't want to have to rely on pure dumb luck, but I can't see any other way its going to happen.

So wish me luck, because I'm going to need it.

Friday, May 10, 2013

More Dreams

My daylight hours are getting weirder, so why not my dreams as well? Here's what I can remember:

-There's a dusty attic that stretches as far as the horizon, filled to the brim with broken odds and ends. It might have something to do with the closet back at the house that kept spewing junk and the other attic with the thing as well. Not much more to say about this one, except there was some odd music.

-A hallway surrounded by a giant aquarium, except this aquarium was filled with blood and rotting fish of all shapes and sizes. The stench was unbelievable, and it only worsened the further I went. Eventually the corpses began to belong to species I didn't recognize, maybe even ones that have never existed. At the end of the hallway was a door that led into...

-A forest of tree people. Not trees shaped like people, people that had been stretched into trees weeping amber from empty sockets and screaming... and screaming... and screaming. I looked up and found out why: Their hand branches were straining with the weight of holding up the sky, which was fracturing and raining down chunks on the forest. At that point someone or something spoke and the sky completely collapsed, only for billions of shadowy hands to reach down towards me.
Thankfully I woke up there. Unthankfully I woke up on a ledge on the twenty-first floor. If whoever is taking me for a trial run during the time I can't remember is reading this, could you please try to drop me off in places that are a tad safer?

Friday, May 3, 2013


You're probably wondering where I've been the last few days. Thing is, I'd like to know where I've been too. I'm waking up in the strangest places with no memory of how I got there. And its not just waking up in elevators or under overpasses either, I'm losing huge amounts of daytime too. I can't just be blacking out during this time, because I'm physically exhausted.

There's something else too. Every so often when I'm awake, I'll here these... well I wouldn't call them 'whispers' because I don't actually hear anything. Its more like... someone or something is implanting thoughts into my head. I know that this sounds like something N did to me (twice in fact), but these thought seem... benign... almost comforting. In fact, the more I dwell on them, the more they seem like... But that's impossi-
There I go again, using words that no longer hold any meaning for me. I'm trying to keep a little girl and her father safe from a world-devouring cosmic horror and a near-omniscient council. The word 'impossible' no longer applies to my life. I'll get back to you guys if I can grasp the meaning of the words in my head.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Two Encounters

Another long absence. Sorry about that, but I have a reasonable excuse this time.

Last week I was almost cornered by Niddoge- er... Nihoden-, look, can I just call him N from now on? I'm kinda feeling scrambled and having to type out that name just makes it worse. So anyway, cornered, escape impossible, blah blah blah. Then the floor gives way under my feet, and I'm out the door and into the night. That would be the end of it, except I was attacked again just three days ago by someone with a sniper rifle. Seriously, I was just minding my own business, walking down to the café to update on my previous attack, when I hear this thundering report and the bricks next to my head shatter. If it hadn't been so windy that day, they wouldn't have missed. And by 'they' I mean these Parliament goons. I didn't think that they'd take this route to get me, I thought they couldn't act in a way that brings them attenttt.attenttt.attenttt.attentttattenttttttttttttttttttt---

Your continued survival shows a great lack of respect on your part.
You believe you have evaded us? That you have outwitted us?
Fool. You only draw breath because we allow you the privilege.
But you have amused us, something that has not happened for a long time.
We no longer care about the girl, or her father.
We want youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu---

You don't know where she is.

Who dares to defy the Parliament? What unseen voice speaks?

A friend of his, an enemy of yours.

You are... familiar to us. What is your name?

Shouldn't you already know it? Or is your omniscience malfunctioning today?

Do you think yourself brave with your petty insults? Time and space mean nothing to us!

And yet you can't find two people. Humbling isn't it?

Humility is for the weak! You will reveal yourself to us at once!

Or maybe... I'll reveal what's about to happen instead...

We control all information! What chance do you think you have to sneak a message by us!?

A fairly good chance I'd say. I've already gotten several past you. Others too.

We detect a bluff! No secret messages are present in the record! We would have seen them!

Oh no. They're in pretty much every post up until now. Look again.

Ah, we understand now. You attempt to fluster us with deception, then pass a message.

No need. I've already sent one a few days ago. Its not one of mine, but still.

We see nothing!

And you'll continue seeing nothing until its right in front of you. Your time is coming to an end, the anguished cry of a billion species howls for justice, and justice they shall have.

You delude yourself! Justice is a word dreamt up by the weak! We are the Parliament of the Continuum! We know everything! We fear nothing! Show yourself to us! Face our wrath if you are not afraid!

The voice is gone.
We... have forgotten ourselves.
A momentary slip betrayed the most hated emotion.
But we are whole once more.
No task is above us.
And no human is either.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Return

I watched from afar, unmoving and unseen, as the Guardian ascended the steps to what he thought was a temporary respite. So weary was he, yet this night had been chosen to be his doom. The fell Worm, Eater of Worlds, had lain in wait for him, blind with wrath at the thought of their last meeting. But this night would be different, this night, he would remove the final obstacle between him and barrier. This night, his grievance would be addressed, and the Last Maiden would fall to him.

The Guardian crested the stairs, heedless of the Worm barring his way, for his eyes looked upon the Prophet's Book, and the Blessed Madness that was recorded there. But before he could blunder into the Worm's dread embrace, a chill of foreboding crept along his spine. There was the thing itself, a tower of menace, a pale shadow heralding imminent death. The Worm began to whisper his lies, speaking of the futility of flight, the shallow deception of life; and the Guardian, weak from his struggles, could not resist.

But a great and patient power had ordained a way of escape. The inn were the Guardian had chosen to sleep the night was in poor repair, and the top floor had a rotting beam, placed there by an ally of the Guardian decades before, knowing that he would require such an escape on that night. The floor gave way beneath his feet, and the fall brought him back to his senses. He fled, taking stairs two at a time in his haste to escape. He burst through the doors and out into the evening storm.

Though gifted with great power, the Worm abhors water, touching it only if no other option is available. Cheated again, the Worm soothed his anger in moments. The Lawkeepers had promised him their help, and the Guardian was running our of places to hide.

Yes. Only a matter of time. And time was something the Worm knew well.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


No further progress on whoever he is, but I'll keep looking. That's not to say I don't have an idea what I'm supposed to be doing next.

It all has to do with the dreams I'm having. Far be it for me to attach grand descriptions to myself, but the word 'prophet' may start being applicable here. Over and over again, the same vision intrudes upon my sleep (and the things it interrupts aren't exactly normal either). It consists of me walking through a hall of paintings and statues. A few begin to speak to me (I can't ever seem to understand sadly), and this... feeling comes over me. The feeling isn't happy or sad or angry or anything like I can describe, but its a powerful one. At this point it becomes extremely hot and wax begins to pour into the hall. When the wax gets about waist deep there's a bright flash and I'm standing... well that's the main thing I need to discuss. Up to the point with the flash, the dream is always the same, but once that part has been reached, the place I end up has always been different. A few posts back I mentioned a couple of the locations I ended up at (which I've since been able to remember in greater clarity):
- There's a maze of hedges surrounding a courtyard of stone statues. Inside the maze a withering gale shuffles the walls around me until I'm face to face with a colossal chimera with eight heads (Lion, Goat, Snake, Bear, Eagle, Wolf, Hog, and Horse) in the center. Each head faced one of the eight cardinal directions, each head breathed searing blue flame, and all were anchored to a spider's body. I fled from the creature, following the maze as it twisted and turned in impossible directions, but it caught up to me and I woke up.
- There's a castle of bone slowly sinking into a lake of burning tar. Skeletons of various prehistoric beasts chased me around until the lake took us all. (This is probably what the burning teeth was about.)
-There's a city buried beneath a glacier, which I can somehow see all of from my icy cocoon at the very bottom of. I watch as the clouds overhead wheel by for eons, until the stars themselves waste away.
-And finally, the new future world. Water, mist, lots of sea monsters, veerrryyyy pleasant. How do I know its the future? A voice keeps whispering "Should you fail." over and over again.
There are others, but they're also kinda hazy, so I'll save them until I can flesh them out more. In the meantime, I have to track down this museum, because its been in every one of these dreams. However, if I'm right about this being a vision of the future, the boiling wax will have something to do with the Parliament. Which means they're already two steps ahead of me. Gonna have to think this through...

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Okay, real quickly now.

I've seen your post K. Its good to know you're safe, although I'd rather you try to post more often, as I think it might be the only way to track down your next clue. Its going to be a tough month, but you'll be just fine. 'Mr. Twice Save' isn't important right now, you can't keep trying to track him down. Its not like he's going to go away or anything...


Okay, real quickly now.
I've seen your post Surge, good to know you're safe, although I'd rather you try to keep posting to a minimum, as I think it might be one of the ways I'm being tracked. Its been a quiet week, which suits me just fine. No leads on Mr. Twice Save, but since he's about the only lead I have right now, I'm going to keep trying to track him down. Its not like they are going to go away or anything...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Second Post

Surge here. Sorry to hear about your rough week K, but perhaps my news will give you some hope. Jessica has stabilized, thanks to your efforts to track down the cure. Its not 100% certain yet, but the doctors believe she may be able to walk unassisted before the end of the year.

This 'Parliament' has yet to bother us. I'm beginning to suspect that you are their sole target, or at least their first. We are NOT in the habit of walking the streets right now, so don't go following things that happen to look like us (though I'm sure you don't need reminding).

I'd also advise against trying to track down this person who keeps saving you. They obviously don't wish to have their identity known or they would've come forward. You need to focus on staying alive. Don't forget that these Continuum types aren't the only thing lurking out there.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Ides of March Pt. 2

Sorry about that, not quite sure what happened to me. I just started spacing out there, and I just couldn't think straight. So, let's try this again...

Okay, I told you about leaving the hotel, so we're on the street. Alright. I was already jumpy because of the dreams, so I kept looking over my shoulder as I headed to the bus station. Just before it pulled up I heard a shout behind me. I turned around to see Surge and Jessica waving me over to a nearby bench. They told me that they had been doing some digging, and uncovered something that would help us out. They said they'd hidden it in a nearby alleyway and they had to show me right away. Its a testament to how little I've learned over the past year that I followed them without a second thought (or what an amazing coincidence it was that they happened to bump into me at a random bus stop).

We went down the alley, which had several turns and wasn't visible from the street, until we came to a lone dumpster in a dead end. They told me to look inside, and naturally, being a gullible fool, I did. For a moment, I thought it was filled with nothing more than a viscous liquid, until said liquid grabbed and pulled me inside. I'm not quite sure what the thing was, but it was as easy to escape as a pool of hot tar.
It was pretty much over before it began, I was about to fade away. There was no way I was going to be able to escape without help, and 'Jessica and Surge' (probably just illusions sent by the Parliament) wouldn't be giving it. So imagine my suprise when I found myself hurled from the dumpster onto the concrete. I caught a fleeting glimpse of a man struggling with the thing before I got out of there, but just like last time, I couldn't make out who it was. By this point, I had missed the bus, and I wasn't waiting around for the next one either. I just started running.

That's pretty much it for the 13th. Nothing like being devoured by a giant amoeba-ooze thing to make you fear a number. But that's twice now that a stranger has saved me, twice now that a hidden ally has leapt to me rescue. I've finally got a solid lead, its time to find out who this guy is.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Ides of March

Yesterday was... well... bad. The 13th was the Ides of March (as I subtlely alluded to in the header), and while I'm thankful I didn't go to any Senate meetings, these constant reminders about my physical safety have become rather tiring. The trouble actually started the night before, with a string of ominous and downright bizarre dreams. I was... well I was trapped in some sort of frozen statue for a few thousand years (don't ask me how I know that), and then the dream changed to me walking through a wax museum, except the wax was alive and filling the room. Then someone talked to me I think... and told me something... I forget. Then there was an eight-faced beast in a hedge-maze, something about burning teeth... like I said, it was bizarre. Some more stuff happened that I can't remember, until I surfaced in the future world I told you about last time. I kept hearing this voice, telling me awful things that happened to her (I think it was a woman, I didn't see anyone). Then... then the fog above the water shifted and... I can't remember, but whatever it was it was bad. Mind-scarringly bad. I woke up screaming and-

Uh... I'm rambling at this point, sorry about that. Anyway, I must've taken the dreams as some kind of warning, because next thing I knew I has checked out and was out on the street-

Okay. Time to tell you guys something I've been... a little... reluctant to discuss. I'm starting to lose my memory. Not just losing bits of time either, sometimes I remember things that I'm positive I never did. For one thing I've never flown an airplane in my life, but I keep getting flashes of a flaming runway and screaming people. There was other things but I can't... remember. Right, look. I have to stop now, I'm not... Wait... How did I get a hotel room without money? I... This is... I can't keep this up, my mind feels... and then... plentyofroomtoshare but... gotta try this again some other time.

Monday, March 11, 2013

March Bulletin

Let's try this again shall we?

I'm trying not to update as often, as I don't want this Parliament pinning me down again, but its gotten to the point were I have too much to keep to myself. So...

1. I've started having weird dreams, and I mean REALLY weird dreams. I'm not QUITE sure on this next point, but its the most likely answer I have as of now. I think these dreams are what the future looks like. Its not the same one as the invisible posts though. [Oh, before I forget, I'm going to combine those invisible posts into one, They're kinda taking up space.] Anyways, instead of fire and ash; I see a flooded world of darkness, choked with phantoms and mist. To tell you the truth its not much nicer looking than before. Again, I'm not sure if its a prophetic vision or some trick of the subconcious, I just wanted to point it out.

2. I've spotted Niddhogr a couple of times this week, always in his tall man form and always at a distance. Either he's looking for revenge, or he thinks Jessica is still with me. Either way, its getting hard to sleep at night.

3. I still have my father's journal, and I have to tell you, its starting to make some sense (not a good thing to admit, come to think of it). Barring the mindscrewy things that have become commonplace (pages coming and going, passages that were smudged and illegible suddenly becoming crisp and clear, etc), I've been making a fair bit of progress with the thing. Nothing about the Parliament yet, but if any information about them exists, it'll be in there. Lots of ink spilled about a 'Maze of Roses' past the 'Cliffs of Despair', among other cryptic stuff. Weird thing is (gotta stop using that word), I'm positive that neither of those things came up in prior readings, now I can't turn a page without seeing at least two mentions of both. I'm starting to wonder if the book is trying to clue me in own something. Or maybe this ordeal is taking its toll on my psyche.
Until next time.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


You can't just do that and leave! Who are you!? What do you want from us!?

They're not coming back are they?
Well, it looks like Niddhogr isn't the only concern at this point (like I need another enemy). Which begs the question, are the two in league or something? They both seem to want Jessica, so its not unlikely.
I've been in this location too long, I need to go.

More Letters

Well, that didn't last long, did it? Guess its all right if I post real quick and then get out of here.

Okay, remember last Summer when I thought I was running from Svend and I kept finding those letters that exploded when I opened them? Well, they're back, except now they're soaked through and through, and I can make out a bit from each of them. Most of that makes no sense, but a phrase keeps popping up now and then: 'The Parliament of the Continuum'. I don't know who or what this 'Parliament' is, but they're probably the ones out to get me. If I learn any.any.any.any.any.any.any.mmmmmooorrreee---

So you have learned of our name? It matters not.
You have noticed the connection between events? A child could have done the same.
We will not impart our motives or our goals, for they are far beyond you.
Humanity can never hope to understand what we do, nor why we do it.
All that your feeble minds can do is be grateful that greater minds know what is best for you.
Give us the girl, and you will not suffer.
Give us the girl, or Humanity pays the price for your futile machinations.

The Parliament of the Continuum

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Good to hear you're safe Surge; you too Jessica.

So I read your post, then checked the posts you mentioned. Then I checked the entire archives just to be sure that I didn't miss anything. In addition to those blacked out posts, there's also a couple from the 70's. I can't help but think whoever it was that posted the invisible posts did the latter ones as well. As for the barely legible ones, yah, I kinda already figured out that someone is after me. Your post says that I up and left the hospital, but that's just not true. Thing is, I woke up in a ditch on the side of the road today. In my pocket was a note that simply said 'They are watching'. Wierd thing is? The note was in my handwriting. I don't remember writing it, but by now I've already lost huge chunks of time, and I'm tired of noting whenever something weird happens.

TLDR, I'm not going back to the hospital (not that it sounds like you really need it Surge). In fact, I've decided not to return to the city altogether. That's right, I'm going dark. Total blackout. Endo communicato. Let's see this shadowy group track me down without directions.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

First Post

     Hello; followers of this blog may know me by the nickname 'Surge'. Jessica and I are alright, though unlike K we have chosen to remain in an undisclosed location. I did briefly contact the hospital K said he was staying at, but I was informed that he'd gone out on break and hadn't returned for two days. warningsunwrittenwordsunsaid
     K, if you read this, don't return to the hospital. Whoever wrote the redacted posts wants you dead. I'll think of someway to sneak a message by them, I promise.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Intern

I'm not quite sure how, but I managed to land a part-time 'internship' at a local hospital after a doctor confirmed that I had indeed fractured my leg. I told him about the crash and the guy let me stay in an unused bed, in exchange for helping him with some research on traumatic memory loss. I don't have any memory loss, and I feel rotten about lying to him, but I'm desperate here. I was even gonna try and help out a bit before I caught something in one of the wards and had to be bedded (except for updates on the public terminal downstairs). Don't know what it is that I caught, but it feels like my bones are smoldering, and I'm vomiting every other hour.

Surge, Jess, if you're reading this, I'm miserable, but still alive. I'm at the Dethholm Intercity Clinic.
Come and find me if you can. thewallshaveearsthewallshaveeyes

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Crash

We never made it to the hospital. About five minutes out, our bus was blindsided by an unmarked van. I woke up two days ago in an abandoned barn on the outskirts of the city I'm currently residing in. My pockets had been emptied and there was no sign of Surge and Jessica. Took me forever to track down a public library to get in an extra update on my situation.

I'm still alive, but I don't know for how long. I've got no money, no place to go, and my left leg might be fractured from the crash (it hurts when I stand or walk for more than five minutes at a time). I've tried looking for a way to make a bit of cash; but you all know how hard that is right now.

 I have to assume that Jessica is safe at least, because the sky isn't on fire. Hopefully that means that Surge is all right too.

Ignorance with Death

You have ignored our final warning. Judgment will be swift and -------. The ----- is ours; your interference has not changed that, because the ------ will not change. Whether the ---- wins or not is none of our concern. Even ---- must one day succumb to ----.

You have ignored our final warning. Prepare for death.

Date: Unknown

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Quick Update

Not much battery left, so I'll just update you guys real quick while we wait for the bus.
As you might imagine, Jessica is in big trouble. I've finally given in to Surge and agreed to take her to a hospital to get proper treatment. Guess that journal gave me some hope that we can pull this off. Hopefully I'll be able to post more once we get there, since I won't be moving locations every other day. Until next time.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


The future does ------------, the future has -----------. The world ended on December ----, 201-, it will happen, ---------------------------. The date is etched in stone. If you will not do what is necessary, --------------------------------------------. We will not allow -----------------------, to allow -----------------------------------------------. You live on borrowed time, ---------------.

And we will not rest until you have -------------------------------------.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Small Comfort

Meant to post yesterday, but the power went out in our hotel. Jessica is doing poorly, but I've already made that clear in my last post.

Instead, I want to note that I found my father's journal in my coat pocket two days ago. I am dead certain that it wasn't in there when I left the house. What's more? There was a trail of water leading in, but not out, of the window the morning I discovered it. The trail leads into a nearby wall. I'm on the fifth story of this hotel, on a corner room, and there are no ladders or ledges one could use to scale the heights. I can't help but be reminded of the commotion and the footprints in the house last Spring.
At first I was a little alarmed by this, but now, I'm... strangely conforted. After all, if there's one or more malevolent supernatural entities, then it stand to reason that there's one or more benovolent supernatural entities as well. Someone or something thinks that Walking Beneath the Sky is going to help, and while we could've used some of the meds from the house too, I'm glad that I have a new goal to work towards, and not just focus on running and staying strong for Jessica.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Problems

Hope you all are someplace warm, cause the world is a cold, cold place this time of year. The three of us have been on the move since the twenty-fourth, and I hate to admit it, but I've really found myself a little homesick. The more I replay the encounter in my mind, the more I realize that I can't go back.

That's a big problem, because all of the meds and equipment we were using to treat Jessica are back at the house, and she's relapsing at an alarming rate. I keep telling her that I'll figure something out (its hard to tell her why we aren't going back without mentioning our tall friend), but I'm starting to worry: What happens if she dies now? Will the world end anyway? That thing wanted her, so I assume she has something to do keeping him in check or something.

Speaking of, one blessing is the lack of you-know-who, although I keep peeking out of hotel windows and checking behind doors expecting to see it. I doubt the creature in the attic did little to slow it down, and I suspect it'll be back on our trail before long.