Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Plan

Once more, apologies about the lack of posts, even though I have absolutely no control over my life right now, I am trying to update you guys on my situation. Its not just hours that I'm losing now, but days, I'm tired all the time and up until yesterday I had no idea were I've been. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, on the contrary, I've noted before that whoever or whatever is taking control of me during the down times is taking great care of my body. I wasn't exactly a blob before, but now I'm in the best shape of my life. It is a little unnerving whenever I ponder what this fitness is going to be required for, but I'm really not complaining.
What was I talking about? Oh yeah, the clues. As I was saying, yesterday I woke up in the middle of nowhere again, blah blah blah, same drill. But this time, I discovered a pamphlet in my pocket. A museum pamphlet. As in the same museum that has been in my dreams for the last few months, where I learn something important and get ambushed by some Parliament goons. It would seem the time has come to elaborate on my plan for the museum. I know the Parliament is monitoring my communications, but they're already going to send a flood of sentient wax after me so its really a moot point:

-Step 1: Rest and a healthy breakfast - As I don't know how long I'm going to be or where I'm going, this is a mundane but crucial step.

-Step 2: Travel to the unnamed Museum - Unnamed because I don't want Surge and Jessica to attempt any sort of rescue and put themselves in danger. You guys are fine right were you are.

-Step 3: Learn whatever it is that I'm supposed to learn - Remember, in the museum dream a voice speaks to me and tells me some secret, I don't have the faintest clue what it is, but its got to be important right?

-Step 4: Avoid the Parliament Ambush - At this point, Parliament unleashes the wax, etc. Avoid at all costs, etc.

-Step 5: Make the right choice - A quick question, have any of you ever played Super Mario 64? (And if not shame on you, go find a copy right now) In order to collect the Castle's Power Stars, Mario has to visit fifteen worlds, each enclosed inside a magical painting. I have been skirting around this detail, but I'm probably going to have to do something similar. Right before the dream changes, I run into a sort of circular room with paintings corresponding to the world within on the walls. Like our heroic plumber I'm going to have to enter one of these worlds and exit from there, but there's a problem. Multiple dreams have ended with me in some sort of fatal situation, which leads me to conclude that only one choice will be correct. This should go without saying, but I have absolutely no idea which dream I've had is the one to go for. I don't want to have to rely on pure dumb luck, but I can't see any other way its going to happen.

So wish me luck, because I'm going to need it.

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