Thursday, March 22, 2012


No update on the lawsuit at this time I'm afraid. I've taken the liberty of hiring my own lawyer, who assures me that our own case is airtight, and that we'll be able to counter with a slander lawsuit. I told him I just want to get this case over with (he looked rather disappointed), and that I didn't want anything bad to happen to S. I still love my brother, even after all the things that have happened in court. While I'm on the zubject, I've noticed something else about S that bothers me. Before the incident, as my grandfather referred to it, S was outgoing, carefree, and well... loud. Now when I look over at the prosecution I see a silent pale man sitting in the looming shadow of his lawyer. But enough about my troubles, on to the mansion.
So far, I've looked over most of the ground floor (I'd estimate roughly ninety percent), and I have to say, this place must have been the very essence of opulence in its prime. The furniture is still in the same position it was all those years ago. I've begun the task of uncovering the main hall and the living room (which itself is almost as large as a normal house), and I've made significant progress with the kitchen and dining hall. I'm starting to get a feel as to how the mansion will look when its been fully restored, and well... its pretty nice. Still, no time to celebrate. Today I'm going to start moving upwards and hit the second floor. Maybe I'll find a clue as to why the frame is made of lead while I'm up there.

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